I’m here to support you while you get out of debt. In the process, you will transform yourself. In order to get out of debt, and stay out of debt, you will have to develop a more healthy, sustainable, and satisfying relationship with money. Sound good?
I have had many interesting jobs, including helping people file bankruptcy. While working with clients as a bankruptcy law assistant, I became interested in the practical, emotional and psychological aspects of debt. I saw first-hand the shame and stress that money struggle inspires.
Helping people in financial crisis start over in that bankruptcy office was fulfilling because I could see the stress melt off their faces with a little kindness. But, I wished I could help them more. It was disappointing that the crisis hadn’t been prevented sooner. I was also concerned about what came next. What was going to happen after the bankruptcy? Were our clients going to change their habits, turn their lives around and know how to build wealth? How much was bankruptcy really helping them?
Financial empowerment and prosperity is what I wanted for those clients, and it’s what I want for you. I’m here to help you build the kind of peaceful, harmonious, empowered and inspired relationship with money that I want in my own life. Even if you aren’t heading for bankruptcy, being in debt is a very stressful way to live.
I’ve had my own share of ups and downs with money. As a natural spender, I know the struggle. Debt is certainly something I’ve dabbled in myself. With most Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and often living in debt, you are not alone! I know first-hand the temptations, mind trips and delusions that go with it. I know the frustration and disappointment associated with wanting what lies beyond my means. I also know what it feels like to take control and start making different financial decisions.
If you want different outcomes in your life, you need a fresh mindset that will inspire new behaviors. There is no quick fix. It’s an ongoing process, and it’s never done. With coaching, you can transform yourself and your finances more quickly and easily…with lasting results.
Get results and gain momentum right away.